The Medial Sural Artery Perforator - anatomic basis for a surgical plan During dissections, the following parameters were recorded: Length and width of the flap Number and type of perforators vessels Distance of perforators from the popliteal crease Lateral distance of perforators from the MGML Diameter of perforators before entering the fascia Origin of the sural medial artery from popliteal artery Diameter of the medial sural artery Pedicle length from the division of the medial sural artery up to the subcutaneous tissue. RESULTS Length and width of the flap The average length of flaps was 12.9 cm (range, 12 cm to 15 cm); the average width was 7.9 cm (range, 7 cm to 9 cm). Number and type of perforators vessels Perforators in the 20 flaps were 38, all muscolocutaneous. In all specimens, at least one perforator was found, with an average of 1.9 perforator for each flap; in 10 flaps (50%) two musculocutaneous perforators were present, in 6 flaps (30%) one perforator was found and in the remaining 4 flaps (20%) we dissected 3 muscolocutaneous perforators. (Tab.3.1) Table 3.1 Number and Percentage of Perforators found per Flap. Distance of perforators from the popliteal crease All perforators gathered in an area between 7 cm and 18 cm from the popliteal crease (standard deviation: 3.48); in the most frequent situation (50%) in which two perforators were found, the proximal one was at an average distance of 10.7 cm (range, 8cm to 13 cm) from the popliteal crease, the distant one was at an average distance of 16.3 cm (range, 12.5 cm to 18 cm). The most proximal perforator to the popliteal crease was found in the left inferior limb of the third cadaver at 7 cm. 36
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