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Dr T. Leiner, dr. M. Lobbes, dr. B. Versluis, Prof. Dr. M. De Haan: you took the time to listen what we needed, to study our little perforators, to modify the protocols, to achieve what we wanted. I hope that our cooperation will continue, developing new ideas and helping us planning our flaps. A special word of thanks to Prof. Dr. C. Boetes: you are not anymore with us but your help is not forgotten. Secretaries, nurses of the outpatient clinic, of the clinic and of the operative theatre… you do a great job! A special word of thanks to Petra, always present to support me with all the things we have to organize en manage for this PhD. Dr. A. Dovens: dear Anke, I will always remember how much did you help me when I came to Maastricht. If I didn’t flight back to Italy and now I am here it is also because of you. Dr. L. Tamborini. Cara Laura, mi hai conosciuta molto giovane e mi hai indirizzata nel modo giusto. Con te ho gettato le fondamenta dell’ essere un medico e per questo ti sono enormemente grata. Prof. Dr. L. Valdatta: thank you to introduce me in the dissection world. I remember with pleasure our trips to Munich all together. My gratitude also to the members of the degree committee: Prof. Tjan-Heijnen, Prof. Kremer, Prof. Kon and Dr. Winters. Especially a word of thanks to Prof. Tjan-Heijnen: dear Vivianne, thank you very much for your suggestions, your help and your support! 182

5. lay-out phd DEFINITIEF_digitaal2
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