Chapter 8 SIAS Y X SIAS Y X Figure 8.7: schematic view of position of perforators at the emergence from the septum in the subcutaneous fat tissue. The space between twoo dashed line is 1 cm. The green dots represent the place where the most perforators are present, approximately 8.7 cm from the spina iliaca antero- superior (SIAS). Clinical cases: From September 2012 to February 2013 5 consecutive sc-TFL fl aps were performed for breast reconstruction in 4 patients. Mean patient age was 42 years (range 35 - 61 years). Mean body mass index was 23.48 (range: 19.94 t- 25.06). None of the patients smoked. All patients underwent preoperative imaging (MRA and additional ultrasound color Doppler). One fl ap was used for an immediate reconstruction in a patient undergoing a prophylactic mastectomy on one side. Four fl aps were used for tertiary reconstructions. Four reconstructions were unilateral and one bilateral. 141
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