Septocutaneous Tensor Fasciae Latae (sc-TFL) perforator flap for breast reconstruction: Radiological considerations and clinical series RESULTS Radiologic analysis: All 55 patients were initially scanned for preoperative assessment of the deep inferior epigastric artery perforators. Consequently, not all examinations were eligible for retrospective analysis of the septocutaneous perforators at the upper lateral thigh region: in thirteen patients (23.6%) the lateral circumflex femoral artery was incompletely visualized, in five patients (9%) the scan quality in the region of interest was deemed inadequate to analysis. As result a total of 74 thighs in 37 patients were included in our analysis (table 8.1). A total of 109 septocutaneous perforators were identified, with a mean of 1.5 sc-perforators in every thigh (range: 1 - 3). In 42 (56.8%) of the thighs only 1 perforator was present, in 29 (39.2%) 2 perforators and in only 3 (4.1%) of the thighs showed 3 perforators. The pedicle length was defined as the distance between the origin from the lateral circumflex femoral artery (LCFA) and level of passage of the perforator through the fascia The mean length of the pedicle was 8.7 cm (range: 6 - 12.4 cm). All perforators originated from the ascending branch of the LCFA. The LCFA originated in 4 patients from the common femoral artery (10.8% of all perforators) and in 33 patients from the deep femoral artery (89.2 % of all perforators). In a vertical plane the mean distance of the perforator to the antero-superior iliac spine was 8.7 cm (range: 2.8 -13.1 cm) (fig 8.7). Table 8.1 MRA analysis of patients. 140
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