Chapter 6 Patients and methods In this study 37 male patients aged between 43 and 70 years, were investigated who underwent elective CABG surgery using normothermic CPB. The Institu- tional Review Board of the MUMC approved the study and all subjects gave written informed consent. Patients were excluded if the temporal bone window was inadequate for transcranial ultrasonography. Other exclusion criteria con- sisted of neurological disorders (e.g. cerebrovascular accident), renal diseases (e.g. renal failure, defined as laboratory tests indicating values of twice the normal values or more urea 50 U/l, kreatinine 170!mol/l), liver diseases (defined as laboratory tests indicating values of twice the normal values or more (ASAT 50 U/l, ALAT 60 U/l, LD 600 U/l and"-GT 90 U/l)), severe pulmonary disor- ders (e.g. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema), insulin and non insulin dependent diabetics, severe atherosclerosis of carotid or middle cerebral artery, and participation in an investigational drug trial within the preceding 30 days. Demographics of all subjects are presented in table 1. Table 1 Patient baseline parameters (n=37), mean (std) Age years 61 (6) Weight kg 86 (11) Height cm 177 (6) BSA m2 2.03 (0.16) BMI kg/cm2 27.9 (4) Hct % 44 (3) Mean ABP mmHg 88 (10) Mean CBFV left cm/s 43 (11) Mean CBFV right cm/s 42 (10) Mean SctO2 left % 72 (3) Mean SctO2 right % 70 (2) 104
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