Septocutaneous gluteal artery perforator (sc-GAP) flap for breast reconstruction: how we do it Figure 6.5 Transverse, balanced, T1-weighted FFE sequence on MRA. The arrow shows the perforator vein(s) running between gluteus maximus and medius muscle. This is followed by a sagittal, balanced, T1-weighted fast field echo (FFE) is performed with a field-of-view 430x430 mm, and a slice thickness of 10 mm. Voxel size is 1.68 x 1.68 mm. The remaining scan parameters are: TE 1.56 ms, TR 3.1 ms, flip angle 65 degrees. Next, a bolus tracker sequence is performed to assess the optimal time period of enhancement of the vessels of interest. This is followed by a coronal, three-dimensional T1-weighted FFE sequence, which has a field-of-view of 400x360 mm and a slice thickness of 2 mm. Voxel size is 1.0x1.36 mm. The remaining scan parameters are: TE 1.53 ms, TR 5.0 ms, flip angle 40 degrees. Finally, a transverse, three-dimensional T1-weighted FFE sequence (‘THRIVE’) is acquired, which has a field-of-view of 96
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