Septocutaneous gluteal artery perforator (sc-GAP) flap for breast reconstruction: how we do it cranial border of the greater trochanter. Sometimes the piriformis muscle belly is also blended with that of the gluteus medius. It laterally rotates the thigh at the hip joint and abducts the thigh. (2d) The triceps coxae muscle is composed of the gemellus superior, obturator internus and gemellus inferior muscle. (2e) The quadratus femoris muscle is a flat, rectangular muscle, located between the gemellus inferior and the cranial border of the adductor magnus. ARTERIAL TOPOGRAPHY OF THE GLUTEAL REGION The gluteal region is supplied by the superior and inferior gluteal arteries (SGA and IGA), both directly branching from the internal iliac artery. The accompanying venous tree shows a similar ramification pattern and finally drains into the internal iliac vein (fig 6.2). 88
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