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Chapter 6 gluteus medius fascia. Muscle fibers descent obliquely and laterally, where the thicker and larger cranial part of the muscle merges with the superficial fibers of the caudal part to continue over the greater trochanter as the iliotibial tract, a reinforcement of the deep fascia lata of the thigh. The tensor fasciae latae muscle, originating from the outer edge of the iliac crest, between the ASIS and the iliac tubercle, also continues in the iliotibial tract, steadying the femur on the tibia during walking, in conjunction with the gluteus maximus muscle. When taking the fixed point at the pelvis, the cranial part of the gluteus maximus is active in abduction and lateral rotation of the thigh and the caudal part extends and also laterally rotates the thigh. When taking the fixed point distally, it stabilizes the trunk during bipedal gait and, together with the hamstrings, raises it. 85

5. lay-out phd DEFINITIEF_digitaal2
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