Septal perforators for an S-GAP flap: Preliminary study. Anatomical study All dissections were performed under 2.5 X loupe magnification. Skin incisions in the gluteal and sacral regions were made according to figure 4.1. Figure 4.1 (anatomical study) left and right gluteal regions, dorsal view: representation of the area of research. The cutis is reflected laterally. The cutis was reflected laterally and all perforators in the region were carefully dissected. The superior margin of the gluteus maximus muscle was identified and only septal perforators passing between the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscle were considered (fig 4.2). Every perforator was followed to its origin and the length of it was registered (length: linear distance from the emerging point of the perforator at the superior margin of the gluteus maximus muscle to its origin from the superior gluteal artery). Also the projections on the skin of the distance of every perforator from the midsagittal line (fig 4.3, line A) and from a line perpendicular to it, at the level of the cranial end of the natal cleft (fig 4.3, line B) were registered. 50
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