Chapter 2 already (dealing with the thigh muscular pattern).10 It would be interesting to join anatomic studies of cadavers from the West and the Orient to identify any differences (as well as in the lateral circumflex femoral arterial system) that might highlight important clinical insights. TABLE 2.1: RESULTS OF OUR DISSECTIONS. -Cad: number. of cadaver. -S.T.: side of thigh: (L= left, R= right). -N. perf.: number of perforator. -Type: type of perforator (M= musculocutaneous, S= septocutaneous). -Cal.: caliper of perforators. -Loc.: location of perforators (INF.1/3= inferior third, MID.1/3= middle third, SUP.1/3= superior third). ORIGIN OF PERFORATORS IS ALWAYS DB/LCFA Caliper of vessels: -DB/LCFA: descending branch of Lateral Circumflex Femoral Artery ( L= lateral branch, M= medial branch). -TB/LCFA: transvers branch of LCFA. -AB/LCFA: ascending branch of LCFA. -LCFA: Lateral Circumflex Femoral Artery Parameters expressed in mm are referred to external calipers. -lg LCFA: length of Lateral Circumflex Femoral Artery 27
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