Chapter 2 septum between the rectus femoris and the vastus lateralis muscles. The lateral circumflex femoral artery originating from this descending branch was 0.5 cm long (see the Table). In Cadavers 5 and 8 (right thigh), the ascending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery arose from the transverse branch rather than from the lateral circumflex femoral artery itself (Figs 2.4 and 2.5). Figure 2.5 Details of Figure 2.4. This view shows the origin of the ascending branch from the trans- verse branch. In Cadaver 11, the lateral circumflex femoral artery arose from the external iliac artery instead of the femoralis profunda. It was 10.5 cm long. The caliber of the lateral circumflex femoral artery and its three branches are reported in the Table. DISCUSSION In 1984, Song and colleagues12 defined the anterolateral thigh flap as a fasciocutaneous flap based on septocutaneous perforators deriving from the lateral circumflex femoral arterial system. Today, not only the perforator 25
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