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The Lateral Circumflex Femoral Artery System and Perforators of the Antero Lateral Thigh Flap: An Anatomical Study femoral artery could then be seen and we could identify its ascending branch, its transverse branch, and the descending branch. We then investigated and listed the anatomic pattern and caliber of each vessel. We measured the length of the lateral circumflex femoral artery from its origin up to the division of its branches. Figure 2.1 (A) Injection of 200 ml resin (Biodur) at the Malgaigne line in the external iliac artery. (B) Drawing of the anterolateral thigh flap (ALT). The flap is centered in the middle of a line connecting the anterior superior iliac spine to the lateral border of the patella (superficial projection of the septum between the rectus femoris and the vastus lateralis muscles). A circle with a 3-cm radius is centered in the middle of this line. The majority of perforators of the antero- lateral thigh flap is in the inferior external quadrant of the circle. DB descending branch; LCFA lateral circumflex femo- ral artery; IL inguinal ligament. RESULTS The obtained data are presented in the Table. The perforating vessels nourishing the anterolateral thigh flap were studied in each of the 16 thighs. A total of 34 perforators were identified. We evaluated the variability of the parameters characterizing the identified perforating vessels according to type, number, caliber, location, and origin. Twenty-nine musculocutaneous and five septocutaneous perforators were found (Fig 2.2). 22

5. lay-out phd DEFINITIEF_digitaal2
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