General introduction techniques, the true subcutaneous course of a perforator had to be considered in the classification of the perforator flap: the subcutaneous course of a perforator can be uniaxial, deep uniaxial, stellate or biaxial and it has to be considered to select the ideal flap design (fig 1.2)45. Figure 1.2 Cadaveric total body lead-oxide injection study (coronal view) showing various cutaneous stellate and axial perforator angiosome territories in the torso and thigh. Four types are highlighted: stellate (A), biaxial (B), uniaxial (C), and deep uniaxial (D) cutaneous perforators (Ref.: Establishing a Perforator Flap Nomenclature Based on Anatomical Principles, Plastic and Recon- structive Surgery 2012 May;129(5):877e-879e) 12
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