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5. lay-out phd DEFINITIEF_digitaal2

Septocutaneous Tensor Fasciae Latae (sc-TFL) perforator fl ap for breast reconstruction: Radiological considerations and clinical series However, the plane in which the pedicle of the septocutaneous perforator runs is either the ventral septum (between rectus femoris, vastus lateralis muscles and TFL) or the dorsal septum (between TFL and gluteus medius muscles) of the TFL muscle. Using the color Doppler , we identifi ed the two septa and the position of the perforator running of them was marked (fi g 8.2 and fi g 8.3). A B 2 1 a b 4 a hook in posterior septum b hook in anterior septum 1 m. tensor fasciae latae 3 2 m. gluteus medius 3 m. vastus lateralis 4 m. rectus femoris A posterior septum, between TFL and gluteus medius muscle B anterior septum, between TFL and vastus lateralis/ rectus femoris muscles Figure 8.3. : schematic view of ventral and dorsal septum of the tensor fasciae latae muscle. Operative technique The patient was in supine position with the arms open. A pillow was positioned behind the back at the lumbal lordosis level. This gives a better access to the lateral thigh region. A two-team approach was performed. One team started with the dissection of the fl ap while a second team performed a mastectomy when needed or dissected the mammary vessels. An S-shaped skin island was drawn around the marked perforator: care was taken that the 136

5. lay-out phd DEFINITIEF_digitaal2
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