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5. lay-out phd DEFINITIEF_digitaal2

Septocutaneous gluteal artery perforator (sc-GAP) fl ap for breast reconstruction: how we do it perforator is identifi ed and drawn on the skin: it is possible to identify per- forators emerging from the septal plane between the gluteus maximus and medius muscles, though it is not possible to follow them to their origin from the SGA (fi g 6.10). line A line A line D line D line C line C line B line B A B Figure 6.9 Schematic illustration of the identifi cation of the cranial margin of the gluteus maximus muscle. line A: midline, line B: cranial end of the crena analis, line C: cranial border of m. gluteus maximus, line D: iliac crest. (A): probe positioned parallel to the margin of the gluteus maximus. (B): probe rotated 90 degrees and positioned perpendicularly to the margin of the gluteus maximus to identify the perforators. Illustration of Greet Mommen, Figure 6.10 Visualization with Color Doppler of a perforator emerging between gluteus maximus and medius muscles. 100

5. lay-out phd DEFINITIEF_digitaal2
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