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Blood pressure corrected evoked flow responses Acknowledgements The authors thank Prof. R.B. Panerai (University of Leicester, UK) for his valu- able contributions to the manuscript. Grants Research partly supported by: Internationale Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek (ISAO) grant # 06518 to JR. Disclosures No conflict of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by the author(s). Authors contributions Author contributions: J.R., W.M., E.M. and E.G., conception and design of research; G.B., E.M. and E.G. analysed data; E.M. performed experiments; G.B. and E.G. drafted manuscript; J.R., W.M. and E.G. edited and revised manuscript; G.B., J.R., W.M., E.M. and E.G. approved final manuscript; G.B. and E.G. prepared figures. 95

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