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proefschrift gommer inhoud met kaft.indd

Reproducibility of dynamic cerebral autoregulation The listed values for std ABP and std CBFV represent the standard deviation over time of respectively the mean ABP and mean CBFV. For none of the methods significant differences were found between morning and afternoon values. In figures 1, 2 and 3 the group averages of coherence, gain and phase spectra are presented for spontaneous breathing episodes for four different analysis schemes. There is good correspondence between the curves of the four analysis methods and also the MMPF values for phase are close to these curves at the corresponding frequencies for component 3 and 4. The MTFA values are also in good correspondence when taking into account that these are averages the 0.04- 0.16 Hz frequency range. Paced 6/min breathing Paced breathing lasted 5 minutes. For this reason the 2048-point spectral smoothing method was not applicable. In table S2 of the supplemental material dCA parameters are presented for morning and afternoon for the two analysis methods. No significant differences were found between morning and afternoon. The group averages of the phase spectra are plotted in figure 4 for the paced breathing episodes for the two detrending methods. For the 0.1 Hz frequency component there is good correspondence between the transfer function analysis methods and the MMPF and MTFA method. Comparison of signal processing methods In total 48 independent sample comparisons were made for the four different signal-processing methods in spontaneous breathing. Only for coherence statisti- cally significant differences could be shown. Coherence was significantly lower for method I compared to III (p=0.04) and IV (p=0.005). Spontaneous versus paced breathing In total 8 pairwise comparisons of dCA parameters for spontaneous versus paced breathing were performed. They showed that phase and ARI were significantly higher in paced versus spontaneous breathing using method II both for the morning (p=0.001) and afternoon session (p=0.01) and only in the morning (p=0.006) for method I. 29

proefschrift gommer inhoud met kaft.indd
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