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OUR ORGANISATION Central to the organisation of patient care are patient groups with specific characteristics. The centres for patient care that are to be established will consist of a clustering of care pathways for such specific patient groups. The choice of these centres is closely allied to our strategic themes, in which care, research and education have already been active and specifically linked for some time (see also 1.1. p. 17). In academic teams, care professionals, researchers, supporters and patients collaborate to maintain care at a high level. In this way, we optimise treatment in complex patient groups, traumas and rare conditions, and we develop diagnostics and treatment for patients for whom there is as yet no treatment available. There is an intrinsic motivation to collaborate in relation to patient groups and care pathways. The medical specialists and other care professionals engage in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration on care pathways, in order to meet the needs of the specific patient group in the best way possible. Harmonisation of care processes is also desirable, both for the organisation of information systems and for a more flexible deployment of staff. This harmonisation makes a large source of data available, with which we can further enhance value for our patients and healthcare. 49 Healthy Living 2025

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